Product Update: Registration Order Notifications, Attendee Type at Check-in, and more
Platform 4.33
Onsite App 1.1.7
Event App 26.1.0
Registration Order Notifications
Howdy partner! There's a new menu in Registration town — goes by the name of Team Notifications. I hear tell it lets you send order updates to team members at scheduled intervals. If you want to try out what it has to offer, mosey on over to the Settings saloon and tell 'em Daniel sent you. 🐎
Ok, so I've been watching some Westerns. Anyway, here's how Team Notifications work:
Under Settings on the new Team Notifications page, click the 'Send Order Notifications' toggle to activate them. Select which ticket types team members should be notified about, choose which team members get notification emails, and how often. If you select 'Every day', choose which time emails will be sent.
Each email contains the total of all orders, a summary of all orders since the last email, and details on up to 25 of those orders. Details include purchaser name and email, ticket name, purchase price, purchase type, promo code(s), purchase date and time, and order number.
Now you can easily stay in the know with notifications every 30 minutes, hour, or day! Learn more in our Registration Settings article.
Show Attendee Type during Onsite check-in
This update is simple and sweet. 🍭 We've heard from a lot of people who want attendees and staff to see Attendee Type during check-in. Now you can!
When configuring your Onsite App's check-in page, you can now choose to show Attendee Type! Staff and attendees can't edit the Attendee Type selection during check-in.
Our Onsite App Configuration article has everything you need to know about adding elements to the Onsite App's check-in page.
ZD621 printer support
Webex Events Onsite now supports the Zebra ZD621 touchscreen printer's ZD6A142-D41F00EZ sub-model. This is the only ZD621 model we currently support. When you rent an Onsite kit from Webex Events, you may now receive either the ZD620 or the ZD621. Don't worry! We'll make sure you only get one or the other, not both.
All of our existing knowledge base documents now include references and instructions for this new model. 🎉 Learn more in our Webex Events Onsite Hardware Setup article.
Lead Retrieval Exhibitor Purchase Receipts
Another simple sweet! 🍬 When exhibitors buy Lead Retrieval through the Lead Retrieval Purchase Form, the purchaser now gets an email with a downloadable receipt!
Learn more in our Lead Retrieval Exhibitor Purchase Forms article.
Webex Organization Team & Credit Management
If you're a Webex Suite customer who purchased Webex Events services through Control Hub, managing your Webex Events teams and credits is better than ever! Learn more about it in our new Webex Events Team and Credit Management for Webex Suite Users article.
For everyone else, we've improved the team credit experience so you can more easily see how many credits are assigned, used, and available. Learn more in our article about inviting and managing team members.
That's all for today, folks! Head over to the Webex Events Platform and explore these new changes for yourself.