Product Update: Socio Streaming Video Clips Limit Increase
We've received a lot of feedback lately about the limitations on sharing pre-recorded videos in Socio Streaming. We've been working hard with our streaming partner, Restream, and we're very pleased to announce that both the number and size of Video Clips you can upload to the studio have increased! ⏫
Previously, uploads to the Video Clips feature were limited to 10 videos of no more than 150 MB each.
The NEW limit is 200 videos of no more than 2 GB or 1 hour in length each. 😮 🌈
⭐️ Keep in mind, video clips MUST be MP4 format, 16:9 ratio, and no less than 720p. Processing/upload time will vary depending on internet connection. Uploads could take up to 2x the video duration (example: a 1 hour video may take up to 2 hours to upload and process).
We ❤️ feedback, so keep it coming, and keep challenging Socio to be better and better!
Hop over to the Socio Platform and take a look for yourself.